vendredi 21 décembre 2007

the 20th

I forgot to mention in that last post that I hope this still remains primarily my personal movie-memory blog. I'm a foodie, so I bet I'll write about food now, too--especially since, besides movies, the Food Budget is the only crevasse into which I pour my small amounts of disposable income--but I'm here to write for me and the movies I see. And I didn't think there would be, but there were some very memorable moments from the month of November. Ask me about when I met James McAvoy.

At any rate, this day is a new turning point: the day on which I rediscovered my blog. And actually, I just looked at the clock, and it's after midnight, so apparently it's the 21st, but I'm calling it the 20th, because December 20th is the most important day of the year. It's my parent's anniversary! Three cheers to 27 years.

November updates are forthcoming, but mark my words as was ordered back in September: they will come.

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