jeudi 31 juillet 2008


I'm so far behind, it's killing me. Like maybe literally; there are dark circles under my eyes. Or there would be, if I weren't dark, in general.

Maybe it's the fact that I have so much to write about here--following DARK KNIGHT, I'm still to type about dinner at KETCHUP, brunch at THE WAFFLE, a matinee of WICKED, dinner at CITIZEN SMITH, a screening of MAMMA MIA, followed a week later by the French film NE LE DIS A PERSONNE, brunch at KOKOMO, a screening of HUMBOLDT COUNTY, a Sunday night at AREA, another advance screening, this time of PINEAPPLE EXPRESS, and tonight, a viewing of the doc, AMERICAN TEEN--yeah, I'm cultured--or maybe it's the fact that I still have yet to recover from my midnight screening of the greatest superhero movie of all time. Christian Bale, I blame you. You beat up bad guys, your mom, and now I'm suffering, too. I feel like I haven't slept in over a week. Mostly because I barely have. But you know what, for's worth it.

DARK KNIGHT unfurls like an envelope being pulled from a joker's sleeve. Maybe that analogy is hard to consider, but think about it. A joker pulls an envelope from his sleeve...and it's attached to a series of handkerchiefs that just keep coming out and coming out and unfurling and whirling, and you're going, "Where did all that come from," and he goes, "Uh, it's magic." Well, that's the DARK KNIGHT. Bale is magic, Caine is magic, Freeman is magic, and above all, Ledger is magic--and not like that Harry Potter wingardium business. This is the dark, twisty, sinewy magic that only an antihero with depth and a story with harmony, birthed from the tomes of DC Comics or written by the likes of Frank Miller, can incite. Well done, Christopher Nolan. You had me at "Hello." Unless the first word of the movie was something different, in which case, you had me at that word.

I'll get to the other movies, restaurants and nightclubs later.


Plot: Batman goes dark for good.
Thought: Seriously, Spidey, you've been pummeled.
In five: 5/5 (Is that a first for letop5? I'm going to have to check the archives. And I'm not saying there were no flaws. The Scarecrow--SPOILER ALERT!--just falling away less than half way in was one of them. The guy--GASP, AGAIN!--threatening to out Batman was another. But I don't believe in 3/4s of a star, so I had to round up.)

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