mardi 24 avril 2007


"...and/or I'm a stalker."
"First boring then suddenly...not."

Must admit, had little to no desire to check this one out ; ran to the theatre and thought, "What's playing now ?" Jérôme Bonnell's new film starring Emmanuelle Devos (from 2004's ROIS ET REINE) won the hypothetical coin toss.

The plot is not solid, and the characters not wholly developed. Their faces aren't even that fun to look at (I recall specifically (unfortunately)
Sylvain DIEUAIDE who plays a young vagabond trailing his ex-girlfriend), but the images of these average French lvies in transit somehow touch the heart. With the usual silence and lingering camera-on-facial-close-up maneuvers for which contemporary French directors are known, this film does not immediately impress. We're just bored. But slowly, like a candle rising to flame, it all makes sense. It's so average, it's so normal, it's so...real.

A dire vrai, the ending wom me over. The film was going for a rating of 2/5, but the ending won me over. Very French. fery charming. Unfortunately, I can't remember the music, but I think I liked it. Best scene : when vagabond meets housewife (Devos). When vagabond meets ex-girlfriend. When vagabond meets...anyone. Best character : the woman with the 3 dogs. Oh, and the big, random black dog. Wait for it.
Overall : 3.5 out of 5

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