mardi 24 avril 2007


original title - DAS LEBEN DER ANDEREN

plot : "Big Brüder is always listening !"
thought : "Of course I liked it."

It's a German movie. It's a movie made by Germans about Germans acting badly. And our heartstrings are, appropriately, pulled.

As one of the most hyped movies of the new year, Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's DAS LEBEN DER ANDEREN did not disappoint. I expected to like it, because everyone (sighing, with hadn to heart and eyes rolled heaven-ward in poignant pain) told me I would--and I took forever to see it for this very reason--but alas, I fell in line. I loved it.

Ulrich Muhe as Gerd Wiesler was captivating (and so...German) ; the plot was suspenseful and provocative, and the historic potency...uh...potent. And the score ! Oh, the heartstrings yet again pulled. Amazing for building tension, the soundtrack to this film moved the story and moved the viewer twofold.

The only thing stopping DAS LEBEN DER ANDEREN from a solid 5/5 is its rushed (and unfortunately cheesy) ending. Did I just ruin it for you ? I hope I didn't ruin it. Oh, wait, you already saw it.

Scene that sings : Weisler listens while Georg Dreyman, his subject, plays THE GOOD MAN on the piano. Automatically, you sense a change. Automatically, you change.

Rating : 4/5

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