jeudi 3 mai 2007

plot : "At it France."
thought : "Restrain intelligence ; enjoy the ride."

I have to preference the following "five" lines by admitting that I have never, ever seen a "Mr.Bean" movie. I know Mr.Bean as Rowen ATKINSON, like, you know, the funny jewelry clerk in LOVE ACTUALLY. Like a poser, I've called him Mr.Bean for years, but I never knew who Mr.Bean was until about two hours ago. He's a really annoying guy. His face is kind of gross in its contortional ability, and he moves oddly and can barely communicate with words. Is that how he's always been ? Is this "the" Mr.Bean ? Well, I must confess, I would hate him if he were a real person...and if it weren't for the fact that I'm certain he's of a small minority of half-goat-half-Englishman, and you can't hate the handicapped--that makes you evil.

But let me just say, once I realised with some sort of disdain and disappointment, "Oh. That's just how he is," the movie got much better. If you like physical humor (i actually don't), or any humor (ok, good), or if you like France (check), if you like Wilem DAFOE making fun of himself (check), if you like roadtrips and beaches (yeah, buddy), if you like light tales of unbelieveable romance (Jack Black and Kate Winslet just checked that box) and/or if you like that jewelry clerk from LOVE ACTUALLY and would like to see him goosed on novocaine--this is your movie. I'm almost (almost !) ashamed to say...I loved it. Though I've heard, for some reason, the French don't. Hmm.

Priceless scene : When Mr.Bean lip synchs to the opera number "O Mio Babbino Caro" with his German sidekick.

Overall rating : a stunning (and ridiculous) 4 out of 5

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