samedi 21 juillet 2007

plot : Meet the very French parents.
thought : Best viewed while speaking Fringlish.

In short, it unrolled like BEFORE SUNRISE (sunset ?), but with more interesting conversation.

In long, Julie Delpy's first stab behind the camera is a more-or-less enjoyable romantic comedy--especially for those who understand all the social nuances between the French and Americans, or even more specifically between Parisians and New Yorkers. I'm not quite that person, but I still followed rather well. What I loved most, in fact--blame me for being an American Studies major and a French minor--was this exchange between two iconic cultures played out through both body and oral language. At turns the film was distinctly French (feathery, pretty, but a bit hard to tolerate) and at other times pointedly American (coarse, complicated, and a bit hard to tolerate). By the end, even though I had laughed a few times and smiled and frowned a bit too, I was glad it was over. Perhaps that's the fault of Adam GOLDBERG and his heavy, heavy New York stereotype. But then again, maybe he was spot on. After all, I've never been to New York.

Overall rating : 3/5 for cultural sensitivity

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