vendredi 6 juillet 2007

plot : A multicultural life in BD.
thought : It's something confusing, coming from.

The only thing better than a cartoon is an intelligent cartoon. And not one of those NewYorker cartoons that has nothing to do with the story that skims its corners. I'm talking about a cartoon with a story, with history, with background and meaning. Just as a person whose life manifests these things suddenly becomes more interesting, a cartoon doing the same does the same.

For a quick history lesson (thank you wikipedia), "Persepolis" is the Greek name for Persa, being the ancient ceremonial capital of the second Iranian dynasty. It is also used to describe the Persian world community, much like "diaspora" has been used, at turns, to discribe the black and the Jewish world community. Persepolis is the name Marjane SATRAPI chose for her comic book or graphic novel (here in France, they're called BDs, for "bande-dessine") which was the precursor to this wonderful film. The film debuted at Cannes this year and won Special Jury Prize. Here in Paris it's been given the largest salle in the UGC movie theatre, and the afternoon I went to see it, it was packed. The French love their BDs. And, like me, the French love films about culture clashes. Perhaps because they have so many.

The story of both the BD and the film centers on Satrapi's life, living in Iran during the war, fleeing Iran to Austria, coming back home for college and eventually moving away, permanently, here to Paris. The story is about coming from, never going to, and for that, I think, it becomes immediately attractive. Satrapi uses her gift for illustration to document her struggle both with and away from Iran, and the result is delightful, at turns poignant and downright sad, but always resonant.

And ps, the music is amazing. From the originally crafted electronic numbers to the classical tracks to the bouts of Iron Maiden, the soundtrack follows the film beautifully.

Obviously, Marjane SATRAPI, the writer and director of this film, is my hero.

Overall rating : 4/5

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