samedi 19 avril 2008

COLCOA Film Festival

COLCOA stands for "City of Lights, City of Angels," and it's my favorite film festival of the year in Fire City--officially, I just decided--because it's the French Film Festival. Offering a fanfare of world, US, California and Los Angeles premieres, COLCOA graced me this year with two films "tres attendus" (that means "very awaited"): Cedric Klapisch's PARIS and Claude Lelouch's ROMAN DE GARE, the latter of which I'd missed seeing while living in Paris. I also caught Jan Kounen's latest mean feature, 99 FRANCS, and saw the slightly bland but harmless comedy, LA VIE D'ARTISTE. In order, from love to "bof" (that means "whatever"), I rate them....

1. J'adore ROMAN DE GARE. It's the film that introduced me to the genius of Claude Lelouch, the French director who has been making films for 50 years--who has made 41 films to date--and sadly whose films, for some reason, I hadn't previously seen. It beautifully combines four major film genres (psychological thriller, romantic comedy, drama and mystery...and AWESOME!) and keeps you guessing right up to it's suddenly cliche but somehow still delightful conclusion.
PLOT: Nothing is what you expect. (Vague, but that's the plot.)
THOUGHT: Start thinking and enjoy it.
IN FIVE: 4.5/5

2. Je veux achete 99 FRANCS. This film is dark, twisty and wonderful, right from its greasy opening shots: move from fabulous overblown street advert, to man attempting suicide (and succeeding), to washed up ad exec recovering from a bad drug trip--and the journey has just begun. It hates the ad industry it extols from start to finish, and it isn't scared to stab itself in the eye. And I don't even know what that means, but that's the truth. Oh, and the soundtrack was off the hook.
PLOT: Everything is definitely for sale.
THOUGHT: Might as well buy it.
IN FIVE: 4.5/5

3. Comme la ville soi-meme, PARIS m'a vraiment boulverse. Maybe that's because I'd wanted to see it for so long. I first caught the trailer from the L'AUBERGE ESPAGNOLE director about two months ago online, and I'll admit, it made me cry. I longed to go back to that city the minute she appeared on scene. And naturally, the film lived up to the fantasm (is that a word?) of images I'd conjured in my head based on the romantic trailer alone. Like a bittersweetly un-violent version of CRASH, Oscar winner of '06, PARIS pans a city and its regulars with an unflinching eye, catching them at their best, their worst, their most alive. And yes, it made me cry. Again, great music.
PLOT: There is nowhere like here.
THOUGHT: So can I get there?
IN FIVE: 4.5/5 (notice a trend? perfection is hard to attain)

4. Je ne veux pas etre coincee dans LA VIE D'ARTISTE. No thank you. The one "bof" of the weekend, the Fitoussi film chronicled the sadly depressing lives of a number of struggling artists fumbling towards failed ecstasy in the City of Lights. That's not why I wasn't that intrigued--I can deal with a depressing movie, don't worry--it's simply this film...had no salt, no spark. It was a little typical, a little too French. It was a cornucopia with no fruit. And again, I don't know exactly what that means, but it's the truth.
PLOT: Being famous is mostly luck.
THOUGHT: The rest is probably fruit.
IN FIVE: 2.5/5


THE FILMS (in the order i saw them):
99 francs -
roman de gare -
paris -
la vie d'artiste -

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