lundi 28 avril 2008


I knew I wasn't the only one who loved the first Harold and Kumar! But this one, which in one weekend already has grossed more than the first film made during its entire theatrical run, runs a bit of a different route from the first. For starters, there were less hamburgers and more weed. And more (insert: cringe) bottomless parties (as opposed to "topless," which the French love).

GUANTANAMO starts off nastier than its predecessor, with opening shots devoted to toilet time and penis play (like the anal alliteration?) that appropriately set the tone for this raunchy sequel. To be frank, I wasn't prepared. But I tried to jump on board their liberal, mother ship of irreverence, and since the finger-pointing nets they cast tended to scoop up all parties--from yonky Southerners to uppity government officials (see "yonky Southerners") to racist clans (again, see "yonky Southerners")--I more or less enjoyed the ride. I did have to cover my eyes from time to time--and a shocker mid-film involving Neal Patrick Harris that I won't give away almost left me too sad to finish the flick--but in general, the ride, though bumpy, wild and at times plain gross, was fun.

plot: Like Michael Moore...on weed.
thought: See before Dubya bans it.
in five: 3/5

the film:

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