dimanche 3 août 2008

The Waffle | brunch

Or: The Egg.

What is it with restaurants bearing the name of their signature item that then go on to offer a subpar version of said item? I've seen it with Ketchup (read yesterday's entry), I've seen it with Pink Taco (get your mind out of the gutter), I've seen it with Le Coissant in Beverly Hills (menteur!), and now, here we are with The Waffle. Listen up, guys--unless you're IHOP, you should not put the name of a food or condiment that you think you know well in the moniker of your eatery until I have eaten at your establishment and sanctioned the christening. New rule. Follow it.

But on that note: The Waffle has amazing eggs. Like, fantastic. And not that their waffles are bad--it's just that my college dorm dining halls offered better ones. Their eggs on the other hand? Mayhap unbeatable. I took one bite of those scrambled surprises, and closed my eyes, smiled slowly, then said aloud: "These taste just like my mom's...and she makes the best scrambled eggs in the world." By default of my mother being related to me and the fact that The Waffle, like most restaurants in this town, will probably deflate in quality with time, my mom still owns the title of Best Scrambled Egg Scrambler in the World, but man...The Waffle is worthy competition. So maybe they should rename that place.

THE WAFFLE: http://www.thewaffle.us/Site/Index.html
in five: 3.5/5 (worth trying, but not really worth making it a regular destination)

TIP: To save a bit o' dough, order from the sides menu. Except for the size of their waffles (naturally), their servings are rather plentiful.

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