vendredi 21 décembre 2007

the 20th

I forgot to mention in that last post that I hope this still remains primarily my personal movie-memory blog. I'm a foodie, so I bet I'll write about food now, too--especially since, besides movies, the Food Budget is the only crevasse into which I pour my small amounts of disposable income--but I'm here to write for me and the movies I see. And I didn't think there would be, but there were some very memorable moments from the month of November. Ask me about when I met James McAvoy.

At any rate, this day is a new turning point: the day on which I rediscovered my blog. And actually, I just looked at the clock, and it's after midnight, so apparently it's the 21st, but I'm calling it the 20th, because December 20th is the most important day of the year. It's my parent's anniversary! Three cheers to 27 years.

November updates are forthcoming, but mark my words as was ordered back in September: they will come.

jeudi 20 décembre 2007

ashamed comma Taste should be

I am ashamed. There's nothing to blame but lack of time, diligence, forethought and wherewithal for the absence of my recent "blogging." A Good Friend of Mine from the Past alerted me to my failing entry-rate when she told me, "I used to look at your blog to check out movies and see what you thought." And I cringed. Used to.

Can I at least do a once-a-month summary of my movie-guided travels? I should! I see a lot of good stuff out there! And now that I've landed well in this new city, I also want to say what I think about this city and what's inside it when I can. For instance, I ate dinner tonight at a restaurant called TASTE.

TASTE was awful. TASTE left a bad taste in my mouth. It's on Melrose, it's trendy, and I'd been looking forward to dining there. Not because I'd "heard good things," but quite genuinely, I'd checked out the menu in advance and started salivating a little bit. That's a good sign. We started with the calamari--fantastic. Peppery, salted, nice sauce. But then we had the appetizer mushroom mac-and-cheese, which was too small to share, and then I opted for the starter crab cakes as my meal. That's when it went alllll downhill.

I judge restaurants on two things these days: their wine selection and their crab cakes. Honest. TASTE lost in both categories. Can I first say they didn't have ONE French wine by the glass? I know we're in California, but Sonoma Valley Chardonnay still pales to a bubbly Chablis. I know nothing about wine, and I still say this, so it must be true. I hate Chardonnay. I settled for a Marlborough Savignon, which was fruity and not bad (though I would have still preferred something French), so I decided things were looking upwards of mediocre at least. But then the crab cakes arrived.

On a scale of 1-10, they were...a 2. Only because the side salad with which they were served was quite tasty. What was that dressing? I was too busy frowning at my must-have-been-WalMart-freezer-section-bought crab cakes to take the time to ask the waiter. Not only were they served just under room temperature, but they were only crispy on top (strange feat) and...did I mention they were cold? And they gave me a dabble of aioli sauce that did little if anything to flavor their bland slightly burnt exterior. Damn you, Taste! You were foul indeed. Don't go to this restaurant.

On a scale of 1-5: 2.5 for decor, 3 if we include service, but back to 2.5 if you remember the crab cakes.

And if you're planning for guests here, please note that TASTE charges a $20 fee for every person who doesn't show up in your party--zing!

samedi 27 octobre 2007


And here we are about a month later, few movies added, but lots has changed. I said I wouldn't get preachy, but I must share the news: I've wandered again, and now I'm in a new city. The city has fire in the sky, and the movie theatres are expensive. But movies will be seen! Mark my words.

In the last month, I enjoyed viewing EASTERN PROMISES, starring the delicious Viggo MORTENSON. In five words or less?
Plot: "Russian mafia works in London."
Thought: "Naked never looked so violent."
It was good. It was...Cronenberg-y, but it was good. 3/5

I also finally saw my dear Quentin's first film RESERVOIR DOGS. Bought it for five bucks from...a discount store that I don't support. And it is fabulous.
Plot: "Irreverent deeds backdropped by catchy music." (is that six words? that's six)
Thought: "Enter, the new pulp genious."

After watching this film, all I could think was how great it would be to make a spoof of it, perhaps as a short film, or perhaps in a big kind of way with references from a bunch of Q-movies. I wanted to see Havey Keitel scream, "Bitch, we're gonna have a knife fight," while diving towards Rosario Dawson holding a suitcase filled with golden light. And apparently, it's already been done before: MY BIG FAT INDIE MOVIE. Haven't heard of it? You wouldn't have; it's artistic.
Plot: "The SCARY MOVIE of indie."
Thought: "Here's looking at you, Plot Devices."

While roadtripping across the US (en route to my new city), I stopped in a place we'll call "The Fertile Lowlands," to visit an old friend. She successfully found me the movie I was waiting for all summer long: KNOCKED UP. And it did not dissappoint.
Plot: "First comes baby, then love."
Thought: "There's no stopping Judd Apatow."

Besides these films, I sadly spent much of the month at a computer studying for an exam I took two days go. Yes, I kind of killed it. Like you had to ask. Now that I'm in my new Fire City, I'm done studying, and I'm starting to look for work. Once I find work, I'll be funded and able to watch many a movie. And since I recently won a 52" HDTV (jealous?) many of these movies just might be watched chez moi. Woop! Such is the life of a girl who lives off contest winnings. Let the adventure begin.

vendredi 21 septembre 2007


It's so sad, I've been gone so long, I've considered not coming back. You see, it's time I explain my hiatus. As my long-winded soujourn in France dwindled to a close and I began hopping from apartment to apartment like bees to flowers, I just didn't have the TIME to keep up with all the movies I was seeing. But movies, I did see.

I never intended for this blog to be one of those online "this is my life" journals, but my life entered a sort of upheavel at the end of July (leaving one apartment to house-sit in another, to vacation in another, to finally, eventually leave Paris), and I got more caught up in that than the meat of this blog, so I just quit writing. The blog was started for me to document the movies I'd seen, and my life was turning into a movie. So the question became : to write or not to write ?

Well, here I am. And I will write, still, about movies. My life is a little steadier now--I'm back in the US and planning my Westward journey to the land of milk & money, so I again have the time to write. Limited, but it's something I want to do. Movies make my world go round (is that cheesy ?), so I have the express desire to remember which movies I've seen, when and why. It's my ego. Blame my ego.

During my last two weeks living down the street from the Louvre (or "up" the street if you consider walking away from the Seine heading up--which you should, because that's north) and attending the #1 movie theatre in France, UGC Cine Cite Les Halles, I saw seven films.

1. HOT FUZZ - British cops against the neighborhoood. - 4/5 stars
2. HEAD ON (rental, German, otherwise known as GEGEN DIE WAND) - Love is a car wreck. - 4/5 stars
3. A VERY BRITISH GANGSTER - This gay, British thug's life. - 3/5 stars
4. YOU KILL ME - Sir Kingsley is Sir Awkward. - 2.5/5 stars
5. TRANSFORMERS - Mmm, I heart Shea LeBoeuf. - 3.5/5 stars
6. SIMPSONS - Like the show, but longer. - 3.5/5 stars
7. RAISON D'ETAT (otherwise knows as THE GOOD SHEPHERD) - Made sense the second time. - 3.5/5 stars

During the month of August while living two streets over from the Bastille (one of Paris' most historical and most night-party-friendly hotspots), I saw four films, most at UGC Bercy Village, a beautiful, new theatre off the lovely line 14 metro.

1. MISE A PRIX (otherwise known as SMOKIN ACES) - Good until the feel-good ending. - 2.5/5 stars
2. LES FANTOMES DE GOYA (otherwise known as GOYA'S GHOSTS) - Art shouldn't be this boring. - 2/5 stars
3. CARAMEL - Sticky and sweet, like life. - 4/5 stars
4. RATATOUILLE - Mmm, that rat made me hungry. - 4/5 stars

I saw one last film at the end of August, again at UGC Les Halles, because I was living in the Marais, the gay/Jewish district of Paris...meaning it's the cleanest, safest and has the best food. Excellent. The movie of choice :

1. 3 AMIS (look, a French film !) - Where are my French friends ? - 3.5/5 stars

And finally, since returning to the good ol' US of A (I've been here two weeks), I've seen three films, all in the Dallas area.

1. HAIRSPRAY - Song and dance on sugar high. - 3.5/5 stars
2. SUPERBAD - Wedding Crashers meets American Pie - 3/5stars (I really wanted to like it more...but it just was too over-hyped for me)
3. THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM - Hey, Bourne, ya done yet ? - 4/5 stars

I'm still wanting to catch KNOCKED UP and ACROSS THE UNIVERSE. Anyone know where I can find 'em ? Anyone ? Anyone ?

Now that I'm back in the States, the movie-watching is sure to slow down. I mean, in Paris, it was "gratuit" (that means "free"), and here...well, I have no job. Maybe I'll turn to Netflix, Greencine or Who knows ? But I still love a good movie. So I'll be back.

samedi 21 juillet 2007

plot : My teacher is a pusher.
thought : Not only in the 'hood.

The motivation to see this film was simple : what's that Ryan Gosling up to ? HALF NELSON garnered the once-NOTEBOOK star an Oscar nomination. I wanted to see why. From the poster, I figured he went into some project neighborhood and changed the lives of a few students, in a DANGEROUS MINDS meets SAVE THE LAST DANCE kind of way.

Sometimes I think I should start reading film synopses before watching the film.

For starters, the film is about a teacher named Dan DUNNE (Gosling) with a heavy drug problem who needs someone to step in and change his life. Gosling plays the part well, though I must admit I'm not quite sure why he got the Oscar nod. (Hollywood star playing a drug addict, does that qualify as acting ?...oh, did I go there ? I went there.) I was surprised, because I only believed him 75% of the time. But then again, when I did believe him, I was truley convinced.

But aside from Gosling--once I figured out the heart of the story, I naturally found it intriguing, because of my own obsession with this subject matter, i.e. the slow descent of an isolated individual under the eyes of a caring society. This happens in many forms : drug use, depression, eating disorders, etc. To see it happen, in this story, to a teacher who actively attempts to serve as a role model about 50% of his day, is very striking. And seeing the relationship this teacher thankfully establishes with one of his students, played by the spot-on young actress Shareeka EPPS (no relation to HOUSE MD's loveable Omar EPPS), renders the story that much more poignant.

Thank goodness for Gosling's Oscar nom, or HALF NELSON may have remained a completely overlooked gem of 2006. Lucky for me, France picked it up off the world market.

NOTE : I was also insanely PSYCHED to bear witness to the wonderful ear-gasm that is this movie's soundtrack. Broken Social Scene from start to finish. Amazing music matched to amazing footage makes for an amazing movie.

Overall rating : 4/5

plot : Young Potter grows a pair.
thought : Guess I'll forgive your horse-humping.

As the fifth installement in the Harry Potter film franchise, HARRY POTTER ET L'ORDRE DU PHENIX (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, non ?) does not disappoint. The action is still building, the story surging forward, becoming darker, as promised, and hence, much more interesting. The biggest change--and a change for the better, I'd say--came from Harry.

In the first Potter film, I really found young Harry quite charming. Cute. Had that little scratch on his little forehead. Winced a lot. But every film since then, he has bored and annoyed me. I think I might be an isolated case, but I've consistently found the supporting cast of each Potter movie more engaging than its principal hero. Harry's mopey attitude made me think Daniel RADCLIFFE was feeling mopey about the contract he signed. But hark and lo and never say never : Phoenix's Harry has changed. Maybe it's just that Radcliffe has rediscovered the character. But perhaps it had something to do with is brief stint on the London stage earlier this year appearing in EQUUS when he humped that horse.

Phoenix's Harry has depth ; he's becoming a man. The film is dark and deals with some subject matter that, frankly, I'm not sure I'd want the original eight-year old Potter crowd to be watching--but this Harry can handle it, and he does. Without feeling too much like a financially-bloated commercial for the upcoming sequel (like a certain PIRATES movie that may or may not have come out summer '06), ORDER OF THE PHOENIX will leave you excited to see the continuation of what is becoming an epic fantasy adventure. And if you know how to read, you already know what happens next ! Lucky.

Overall rating : 4/5

plot : Meet the very French parents.
thought : Best viewed while speaking Fringlish.

In short, it unrolled like BEFORE SUNRISE (sunset ?), but with more interesting conversation.

In long, Julie Delpy's first stab behind the camera is a more-or-less enjoyable romantic comedy--especially for those who understand all the social nuances between the French and Americans, or even more specifically between Parisians and New Yorkers. I'm not quite that person, but I still followed rather well. What I loved most, in fact--blame me for being an American Studies major and a French minor--was this exchange between two iconic cultures played out through both body and oral language. At turns the film was distinctly French (feathery, pretty, but a bit hard to tolerate) and at other times pointedly American (coarse, complicated, and a bit hard to tolerate). By the end, even though I had laughed a few times and smiled and frowned a bit too, I was glad it was over. Perhaps that's the fault of Adam GOLDBERG and his heavy, heavy New York stereotype. But then again, maybe he was spot on. After all, I've never been to New York.

Overall rating : 3/5 for cultural sensitivity

viewed 09 juillet 07

plot : This is how Bond began.
thought : Good action...but not Pierce Brosnan.

Overall rating : 3/5 as a "secret agent guy" movie, 2.5/5 as a Bond movie

LAST KISS (rental)
viewed 09 juillet 07

plot : Just sewing some wild oats.
thought : Romantically light and rather realistic.

Overall rating : 3.5/5

vendredi 13 juillet 2007

plot : How (not) to rob a bank.
thought : Joseph Gordon-Levitt...'nough said.

"What's THE LOOKOUT ?" I thought as I bought my ticket at the local UGC. I'd never heard a thing about it, which made me think it would be bad and that it probably bombed in the States, but since I had recognised Mr. JGL on the poster, I didn't care. JGL is to me what John Cusak was to me about five years ago. Doesn't matter what movie he's in, I'll go. Ever since I first saw JGL in HOLY MATRIMONY opposite Patricia Arquette (hahahaha), I've been interested. I even watched a few episodes of "3rd Rock from the Sun" for him. I couldn't stand more than a few, but for him, it was worth it. And the material he chooses may dissappoint me (ref : 3rd Rock from the Sun), and even his performance may not always be stellar (ref : 3rd Rock from the Sun), but he always has presence, he is always charming, and he always makes me think, "Oh that little JGL, look how far he's come !"

THE LOOKOUT, however, went beyond my expectations. Joseph was fantastic. This is the best role I've seen him play to date, and that's including BRICK. JGL plays a once-golden youth who has suffered a serious head injury, and hence has had most of his promising life stripped from him. A group of local thugs (headed byMatthew GOODE--who played opposite Jonathan Rhys Meyers in Woody Allen's MATCH POINT) trick him into robbing the bank where he works...and then things get sticky as Joseph's character, Chris, tries to get out of it. With strong support from Jeff Daniels and the quickly-but-unfortunately-becoming-forgettable Isla Fisher, the film comes together quite nicely, the tension mounting and continuing to its finish.

Hard to believe it's Scott FRANK's feature directorial debut (he's the writer man behind OUT OF SIGHT and GET SHORTY, as well as THE INTERPRETER and MINORITY REPORT). The film unfolds slowly, at times even feeling slow. But it is beautiful, some of the shots surprising in their artistry. The opening shots especially, undertoned with a great song from a band I don't know (forgot to write it down during the credits), took my breath away.

So America can't handle serious movies about the physically and mentally challenged doing bad things, I guess ? I don't know...I liked it. Maybe it was the JGL factor. But maybe it was actually quite good and unfortunately just overlooked.

Overall rating : 3.5/5

vendredi 6 juillet 2007


web site, hahahaha
plot : Demi Moore does it for money.
thought : IMDB user calls it "repugnant."

Overall rating : 2/5

plot : A multicultural life in BD.
thought : It's something confusing, coming from.

The only thing better than a cartoon is an intelligent cartoon. And not one of those NewYorker cartoons that has nothing to do with the story that skims its corners. I'm talking about a cartoon with a story, with history, with background and meaning. Just as a person whose life manifests these things suddenly becomes more interesting, a cartoon doing the same does the same.

For a quick history lesson (thank you wikipedia), "Persepolis" is the Greek name for Persa, being the ancient ceremonial capital of the second Iranian dynasty. It is also used to describe the Persian world community, much like "diaspora" has been used, at turns, to discribe the black and the Jewish world community. Persepolis is the name Marjane SATRAPI chose for her comic book or graphic novel (here in France, they're called BDs, for "bande-dessine") which was the precursor to this wonderful film. The film debuted at Cannes this year and won Special Jury Prize. Here in Paris it's been given the largest salle in the UGC movie theatre, and the afternoon I went to see it, it was packed. The French love their BDs. And, like me, the French love films about culture clashes. Perhaps because they have so many.

The story of both the BD and the film centers on Satrapi's life, living in Iran during the war, fleeing Iran to Austria, coming back home for college and eventually moving away, permanently, here to Paris. The story is about coming from, never going to, and for that, I think, it becomes immediately attractive. Satrapi uses her gift for illustration to document her struggle both with and away from Iran, and the result is delightful, at turns poignant and downright sad, but always resonant.

And ps, the music is amazing. From the originally crafted electronic numbers to the classical tracks to the bouts of Iron Maiden, the soundtrack follows the film beautifully.

Obviously, Marjane SATRAPI, the writer and director of this film, is my hero.

Overall rating : 4/5

plot : This is how we did it.
thought : But where are you going ?

This movie wasn't about what I thought it was about, namely, the birth of dancehall music in Jamaica. I thought I read that somewhere, and it was a lot of why I went--that, and I love music documentaries--so for about the first twenty minutes, I was fairly confused. Then I got settled in.

This film sings about the widespread fallout, as it were, of reggae music in Jamaica. Not bad for a story, since the average American (or average...anyone ?) has heard of Bob Marley, et puis...basta. This movie flashed the names and faces of a lot of people who found their light from the Marley-reggae superbubble and then went on to continue playing the music to which all the kids who didn't where green, yellow and red "Get Up, Stand Up"-inspired headbands didn't listen. I don't want to be harsh, not against the film anyway. I don't think it was a good documentary, but that's the fault of some filmmakers getting confused about how to visually portray an auditive tale. The story was--is--worth telling. But we need to figure out who, besides Bob Marley, is going to tell it right.

Best musical moment : 96 degrees in the shade.

Overall rating : 2/5 as a film ; 3.5/5 in music


***avant-premier (that means PRE-OPENING NIGHT SPECIAL SCREENING, BOOOYAH) in the presence of the director himself, Tom DiCillo**
plot : Homeless boy falls for popstar.
thought : Everyone loves an underdog tale.

Yeh, it's true, I saw the movie here in Paris with Tom DiCillo at the movie theatre. Even asked him a question afterwards. I'm disheartened to say he gave some nebbish, stock response that made me almost immediately dislike this movie because I was disappointed by its director, but don't worrym I recovered. DERLIRIOUS is a great film. And Tom DiCillo is a great director. After watching the trailer, sure, you already know the entire damn movie, so you don't...actually...have to see it, but you should ! Because it's beautiful. And Michael PITT, our homeless, leading male, is brilliant.

The story centers on a struggling actor from Philly who comes out to the city where dreams are made at the price of your soul (that would be Los Angeles, ladies and gents) and ends up volunteering to assist Steve BUSCEMI's character, Les, a "licensed professional photographer" (read : paparazzi). He agrees to help Les snap shots of the stars in exchange for a place to sleep but almost instantaneously falls in love with his first mark, the mysterious and nimble K'harma, played by Allison LOHMAN (who we loved in MATCHSTICK MEN). It's a light romantic comedy but it maintains a beautifully visual and dialogue-centered trajectory, and though it takes some turns you wouldn't expect (keep an eye on that Buscemi), it ends up where the trailer promised it would.

Now about Michael Pitt. You may remember Michael PITT (no relation to the starving Brangelina) from such wonderful recents like the French brother-sister sexfest LES INNOCENTS, i.e. THE DREAMERS (it was intellectual, mind you) or the American mother-son sexfest THE HEART IS DECEITFUL ABOVE ALL THINGS (it was artistic, mind you)--or you may not. I never saw either, I'm sad to say, but after seeing this movie, I find myself more curious about Michael Pitt. Tom DiCillo said it best himself by recounting that he strove to find an actor that could channel both "homeless, lost youth" and "red carpet movie star" in the same film. He definitely found his man. Will Hollywood open the door for Michael Pitt ? Or should we first wait and see how he does opposite Kiera in SILK (14 september, USA limited) ?

Overall rating : 3/5 (recall my rule about romantic comedies by reading LOVE ET SES PETITS DESASTRES)

plot : Friendship grows like a garden.
thought : A beautiful portrait of adulthood.

This new film by Jean BECKER caused quite a stir here in France. Receiving the "label des spectateurs" (meaning the "some people you don't know like this film" award) by UGC Cinema, DIALOGUE seemed to first merit attention because Monsieur Becker only makes a film about every five to ten years, and it's usually pretty good. Also, because the two leading males, Daniel AUTEUIL (from hits like LE PLACARD) and Jean-Pierre DARROUSSIN (from the recently reviewed J'ATTENDS QUELQU'UN), are definitely quickly renewing their pass for this year's French screen favorites. But really, I believe the stir came from the fact that this film pulls on the heartstrings in such a pure, breezy, Saturday afternoon "let's go for a walk, oh wow, look at that rainbow" kind of way, as if being sentimental completely on accident, that the French were bascially taken by surprise. I was.

DIALOGUE tells the story of two old friends from childhood reuniting much later in their lives, after one, who has gone on to become a very successful artist painter, hires the other, unbeknownst to him, to be his gardiner. This is the story of friendship that doesn't grow old, that ripens with age, that warms and revitalises life. It is the story of the friendship that everyone of us, even us cynical ones, hope to have. Makes for more than just a snuggly-warm French "bromance." It's lovely and pure, simple as that. Very glad I saw it.

Only complaint was the minimal prescence of women in the film. But I guess that was part of the point.

Overall rating : 3.5/5

plot : Three cheers for graphic violence !
thought : Death proceeded by pointless conversation.

People talk, then there's some gore, and some people die. That's not a plot spoiler, okay, it's just, look, it's Quentin Tarantino ; you know what to expect. Even if it "isn't as great as PULP FICTION," it's still QT pulling no stops. And it's great. Fun. Amusing. Gory in a way that leaves you feeling good. Plus, Rosario Dawson's in it. And did I mention the killer steady soundtrack ? (Buy it here : All I'm saying is that, despite the great car chase and the cinematic brilliance of its climactic could've been about 38 minutes shorter. All I'm saying.

Overall rating : 3.5/5

plot : I'd kill for you, darling.
thought : Might've made a better comedy.

Here's a movie whose "mauvais" French opening was well predicted by its forgettable American one. And with a cast that shimmers (John Travolta, Salma Hayek, Jared Leto, James Gandolfini) and an intriguing plot (married couple in the roaring '20s high tails it across the American southwest on a lonely hearts--read : pretty, young spinsters--killing spree with brooding detective on their scent), you really just don't immediately see why. So I went to see it to try and figure that out.

Perhaps it was due to miscasting. Jared Leto, I've always warmed to (note especially his hilarious super-agent bit role in THANK YOU FOR SMOKING...oh whoops, wait, that was Rob Lowe). But in this film, he seems to be trying to channel Leonardo DiCaprio circa CATCH ME IF YOU CAN. And Leo is a great role model, but if you wanted Leo in the film, you should have cast Leo. Then there's Johnny. Brooding John Travolta is SO not as fun as John Travolta dressed as a woman (HAIRSPRAY comes out 22 august !) . He was sadly disappointing. Wait a minute, now that I think about it, this movie was sadly depressing. But still. Why don't people flock to see Travolta these days ? Doesn't a giant live forever ? Or is that just ogres.... People still come out for Al Pacino, don't they ? DON'T THEY ? (see soon-to-be remarkable flop 88 MINUTES for reference)

By the way, must add, Salma Hayek ? No complaints, Ugly Betty.

Overall rating : 2.5/5

jeudi 5 juillet 2007

plot : Charming ogre fears baby bump.
thought : Pixar triplets are the cutest.

I know I haven't yet seen DIE HARD : LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD, nor HARRY POTTER : ORDER OF THE PHOENIX, but since those are actually 4ths and 5ths, respectively, I think it's fair to make the assumption that no other summer movie is going to tackle the giant that is SHREK THE THIRD. The only trilogy thus far, as I care to notice, that has maintaned its fantastic original pacing and humor all along its series, SHREK THE THIRD sees, of course, our familiar characters in their familiar antics doing familiar things...oh, but with a bit of a new plot ! Shrek's wife is gonna have a baby ! Meaning beautiful women who are now ogres can get pregnant, answering one of the great mysteries of motherhood. Ooh, and added bonus : Justin TIMBERLAKE is the voice of young Prince Artie. Weee, we love him. And by "we," I mean "I."

The jokes slant more towards physical humor than the verbal is this instillation, but the music is great (the "wait for it" moment : being hypnotised by Damian Rice's "9 Crimes"), the female roles still kick some serious arse (the "wait for it" : Snow White attacking the royal guards) and The Gingerbread Man does not disappoint. I would've liked to see another thong on Pinnochio, however.

Overall rating : 4/5

plot : Plot one on spin cycle.
thought : Effectively keeps your colors lasting.

Ocean's 13 is great. Pretends like Ocean's 12 didn't even exist, which in my opinion is a good thing. And I don't want to knock the mother of the oddest-named Hollywood twins since the turn of the millenium (that would be Julia Roberts), but her absence wasn't even felt.

I think what made Ocean's 13 so good is that it actually is Ocean's 11. Danny Ocean (the affably smarmy George "What Else ?" Clooney), driven by a sentimental mood and some Sinatra-inspired music, gathers his sheisty but loveable crew together to work a job over on a casino. That plot's familiar. We've even got Don "We're in Barney" Cheadle attempting to create a blackout again--oh, except this time they call it an "earthquake." I get confused on scientific terms, but I think they're virtually the same thing. Matt Damon's acting has gotten a little worse, and both Andy Garcia and Vincent Cassel only have bit parts (alas), but they're all back. The only thing that threw me for a loop was that Brad Pitt's winsome Rusty wasn't seen eating in every scene. Guess Angelina's got him on a diet.

The first one was a good ride, and so is this one. Go picture.

Overall rating : 3.5/5

Plot (spoiler ?) Side Note : Ocean's 11 really had me thinking that, as the result of some multi-dimensional time warp, that Rusty was Linus' father (i.e. Brad Pitt birthed the half-nebbish that is Matt Damon). This movie kind of clears that up. And it's apparently not true. So where did I get that idea ?

lundi 25 juin 2007

Current Movie of the Moment - 25juin07

SHREK THE THIRD. the gingerbread cookie man is a golden wonder of pixar animation, and i can't get enough.

Current Movie of the Moment (old)

LOVE AND OTHER DISASTERS. I know it's Britney Murphy and a bunch of gays, but live a little, would ya ?

mercredi 20 juin 2007


viewed 17/06/07
plot : Driving around for paternity's sake.
thought : Boring with a capital "Bill Murray."
(I really like Bill Murray. I do. But why is he always looking so sad and wearing track suits these days ?)

Overall rating : 1.5/5

plot : BAD BOYS à la française !
thought : I.E., the jokes make less sense.

The film starts like FAST AND THE FURIOUS, with a drag race. The music is (bad) American rap, the ladies where short skirts and heels, things blow up--gratuitously--and the two buddy cops are minorities--well, one of them anyway. Okay, they're French enough, but their names are Gomez and Tavarez...come on.

Well, the story of GOMEZ VS. TAVAREZ, the sequel to the 2003 film that I missed, GOMEZ ET TAVAREZ, is basically BAD BOYS, with a cutie named Titoff playing the part of Max Tavarez (the lighter minority cop) and the stoic-faced Stomy BUGSY playing the part of Gomez (the darker minority cop). With Noémie LENOIR as our principal short-skirt-wearing diva (and a couple others playing backup), the movie is a fun ride with a plot looser than bad boys and an ending even more predictable. I say, why not ? It's a pleasure to watch the French act like Americans (and by that, I mean, loud, proud and unsophisticated).

Overall rating : 2.5/5 (but maybe higher, had I understood more of the French jokes ? Judging from spectator comments, maybe not)

BAD GUY (rental)

viewed 14/06/07

plot : We hurt, love and die.
thought : Not so bad a guy.

Overall rating : 3/5


viewed 13/06/07's_Ball's_Ball

plot : Black woman under white man.
thought : But maybe there's another point.

Overall rating : 3.5/5

lundi 11 juin 2007

A SIMPLE PLAN (rental)
(no offical site available)
plot : Money makes you act stupid.
thought : Too unforunate to be entertaining.

Overall rating : 2.5/5

plot : Edith Piaf is a legend.
thought : Edith Piaf is a legend.

I cannot instantly recall any other French biopic. Oh wait, here are a couple recents--Jean de la Fontaine, and also MOLIERE (with my favorite French actor, Romain DURIS, cutie). I bet I could search on Google and eventually find a few more--but I also have a feeling Gerard Depardieu as CYRANO DE BERGERAC would probably come up first. So I'm just going to put out there that, perhaps, LA MOME is going to be the first wide-release French biopic. And it is a sensation. I don't expect it to do nearly as well abroad, of course, as it has done here in France, but I do hope and believe it will be well-received. We have used RAY and WALK THE LINE as our biopic measuring bars for anything the 2007 box office will attempt to throw (and appropriately, it has thrown nothing), but I aruge that this film again will raise the bar.

You may not have heard of Marion COTILLARD before this film. She plays Russell Crowe's love
interest in A GOOD YEAR. Yeah, didn't see it. But in this movie, I can't even say she "plays" the role of Edith Piaf, the most admired, renowed female French singer of the past century (in my opinion). Cotillard, in fact, is Edith Piaf so precisely, so wholly, she swept me away into believing I was watching "la môme" herself on screen.

The story, as well, is phenomenal. I admire the research and study that the makers of this film, particularly our director and chief writer Olivier DAHAN, obviously persued to create a film that seems to so accurately depict the emotional pitfalls and professional triumphs of this woman's musical career. It is delivered in an effectively engaging non-chronological style with fast editing and none of the typical French cinematic silence. It's a movie about a musician, after all ! The music is weep-worthy. The power in Edith Piaf's voice and the emotion of every note is enough to make this movie a classic, but Cotillard's sensational acting drives it home. An unforgettable life captured on screen.

Scene that sings : Immediately after Piaf reencounters her lover, Marcel, in her apartment after he takes a plane to see her.

Overall rating : 4.5/5

plot : French queen à la Dunst.
thought : Let them eat costume changes.

Overall rating : 2/5 (but it was really pretty)

samedi 2 juin 2007

plot : Get behind me, hussy girl.
thought : Charmed by the snake, eh ?

I didn't really get this movie. Still don't really get it. The premise is a weird one. Really don't know where Craig BREWER, the writer and director, got it. But the music is blues hotter than you've ever heard, and it's got Justin Timberlake. So yeah, I saw it.

The premise of the movie, without giving too much away, is this : a man with some inner demons named Lazaurs (Samuel L. Jackson, looking old, rough and tough) finds Rae (Christian RICCI), a beat-up, almost naked skinny girl, passed out on the road by his house...and hijinks ensue. The high points of the film include every scene with music (it's not a musical, but there is some song, and Jackson does all his own singing) and most all the scenes that Jackson and Ricci share.

Justin, who plays Rae's boyfriend Ronnie, shows some great emotions, but alas, he is no where near his top level performance in ALPHA DOG. Christina RICCI on the other something else. When I think of her, I think, "She's All That...Adam's Family...big forehead." And hey, I'll still think those things, but now I'm starting to think she wants us to think something else. Her role was a weird one, but she owned it.

BLACK SNAKE MOAN, produced by John SINGLETON (same guy behind HUSTLE & FLOW as well as POETIC JUSTIC and a lot of other racially charged films), is a startling film dealing with a social subject (childhood sexual abuse) in a completely artistic way. And by "artistic," I'm not talking Baz Luhrmann or Michel Gondry artistic--though they are ab-fab. I'm talking music of Deep South--Al Kapone, Muddy Waters, Bobby Rush artistic. This movie writhes with heat.

And for all you hiphop heads, David BANNER makes a a slightly inelegant way.

Overall rating : 3.5/5

lundi 28 mai 2007

PLOT : This be the last, aaargh !
THOUGHT : Why am I so sad ?

It started weak. After the opening teaser, we find our leading lady (the svelte and saucy Kiera KNIGHTLEY) and our second favorite resurrected pirate (Geoffrey RUSH, 2nd to Mr. Depp, naturally) in Singapore. I distinctly (stupidly) remember thinking, "Really ? The world's end is...Singapore ? Is that racist ?"

The film unwound slowly, even more slowly than Pirates 2, which was disappointing, given this was the proclaimed final installment in the hugely successful PIRATES series. Some highlights included seeing Kieth RICHARDS of the Rolling Stones (aka "the Human Riff") cameo as Captain Teague, i.e. Jack Sparrow's father. Also, you'll get to see (spoiler alert ?) the real face of Cpt. Davy Jones (Bill NIGHY) and the real identity of Tia Dalma (Naomie HARRIS). Orlando even kind of grows a pair, which made me kind of respect him. But in all, the movie left me very...sad. And I don't want to say why, but I actually cried, I was so sad. Then again, I cried during TARZAN when Tarzan hugged the gorilla mamma and said, "You will always be my mother." Just thinking about it, I'm tearing up right now. What can I say, Disney movies make me cry. It's just that I wasn't expecting PIRATES to do that ! I wish Gore VERBINSKI would explain himself.

This movie leaves a lot unanswered, sews things up a little too quickly and doesn't offer much room for a "maybe in the future, after the cameras stopped rolling, everything worked out fine" conclusion. This movie begs for a sequel. Problem is, there won't be one. Unless Kiera's out of work and still cute in ten or fifteen years. Johnny Depp, we don't have to worry about. He'll be a hunk for life.

Best thing about this sequel : the pirate song, reprived throughout the film by the slightly predictable but still quite wonderful musical genius of Hans ZIMMER. Oh, and Orlando Bloom. Sissy no more.

Worst thing about this sequel : The lack of a conclusion. The un-conclusion. The faux-clusion. Gore VERBINSKI, explain yourself.

Overall rating : 2.5/5

plot : Singing about love and loss.
thought : Definitely the food of love.

LES CHANSONS D'AMOUR was officially selected to this year's Cannes Film Festival, but besides that, I didn't know a thing about it ; I just wanted to get in while the getting was good, since UGC Theatres (though I love them) don't usually carry artsy movies. This one was artsy. Artsy and lovely and current and tragic and beautiful and surprising and worth it.

Seperated into three parts, (1) Le Depart (2) L'Absence and (3) Le Retour ("the depart, absence and the return," respectively), this movie dialogues a threesome on the rocks, two girls and a boy who have lived happily for some time and what happens when their lives take a turbulent change. But really CHANSONS treats it all : for the short-lived lesbians, the unsuccessful threesomes and the closet gays--and any parents and relatives--this is your musical. The scenes of Paris are lovely, and the duets are great ! Perhaps I'm naïve in appreciating their wonder because I didn't understand all the lyrics (French is even harder to comprehend when sung--trust me), but I'll stand by my declaration all the same. Christophe HONORE delivered a film replete with romantic sentiment that doesn't get too thick, a bit of bawdy, a bit of tawdry, and just enough heartache to make you want to ache. It's a beautiful little film.

Overall rating : 4/5

SYRIANA (rented)
plot : Oil plus government equals evil.
thought : So confusing, I'm seeing stars.

Overall rating : STORY 4/5, but DELIVERY 2/5

plot : You got served--stomp edition.
thought : Ha ha ha ha ha.

I'm not laughing because the movie was such a rollicking comedy. I think it was actually intended as a drama. A dance drama. A stomp drama. But the thing is, French people don't have sororities or fraternities--and definitely not black ones--so the French were laughing through the whole movie. Didn't hurt its box office, though ; I just think perhaps the French didn't get the significance. In order to prove you are manly and athletic and strong and worthy of female live in a house with a bunch of boys and start dance lessons ? What ? Don't worry ; I may not be a black Greek, but I think I kind of got the significance. It's about bonding, lifelong relationships and staying in shape. Right ?

Well, this movie killed in America, was number one at the BO for 2 weeks. Why ? I don't really know. It was like YOU GOT SERVED, but with a lot more stomping. And the camera angles weren't as good, so you couldn't even really appreciate the stomping that much. I actually got a little motion sick and came down with a migraine headache after viewing this movie, which is unfortunate, because I kind of wanted to practice some of the moves after seeing it. Haha. Ha.

What I did really appreciate about this movie was the music. Because Chris Brown (singer of 2006's hiphop favorite RUN IT) made a cameo in the film, I expected the entire soundtrack to be laced with his music--and I wouldn't have been upset about it, to be honest, but instead, the director chose to implement a mix of hip hop and rock that helped this movie straddle two genres : the "black" movie and the "dance" movie. The mix of rock and hip hop (hiphop rock ? rock hiphop ? hiprock ? rockhop ?) complimented the leading man's moves, a hitherto unseen Columbus SHORT (oh wait, he was in SAVE THE LAST DANCE 2. Did you know there was a second one ?!?!), probably better than pure hiphop would have. So congrats, Columbus. At least 5% of the total France female population is drooling over you.

Overall rating : 2/5 (blame the migraine)

jeudi 24 mai 2007

Le top 5 - semaine de 21 mai 2007

1. Spiderman 3
2. Zodiac
3. La Faille (Fracture)
4. Steppin' (Stomp the Yard)
5. Les Vacances de Mr. Bean (Mr.Bean's Holiday)

1. Shrek the Third
2. Spiderman 3
3. 28 Weeks Later
4. Georgia Rule
5. Disturbia

1. Let's look at the French top 5. Are any of those movies French ?
2. I saw STOMP THE YARD last weekend. I did. Sue me.
3. In France the film DISTURBIA, is called PARANOIAK, which is weird.
4. Pirates 3 opened yesterday !!! Meaning France gets Pirates before Shrek. Why is that ? So excited for Pirates 3 !!!
5. Lindsay Lohan recently appeared in the movie CHAPTER 27 (did ya see it ? NOPE) about the death of John Lennon, and the man who played John Lennon (Mark Lindsay Chapman) has a name identical to the man who actually killed John Lennon (Mark David Chapman) except his middle name is LINDSAY. Thank you imdb trivia !

plot : Racist man befriends influential "negro."
thought : It's tough to rewrite history.

A movie I've been wanting to see for a while. And I know it's bad, but I've wanted to see it, not for the plot, but mostly for the visual pleause of staring at Joseph FIENNES on screen for two hours. Call me crass.

The film centers on Nelson Mandela's long stay in the South African prison system during the years of apartheid, all the way from June 1968 (one month after, here in France, Mitterand (?) lost the love of the youth) until his release. During these two decades, he forms an unlikely friendship with his white, good-ol-boy prison guard, Sgt. James Gregory, here played by William Shakespeare--oh, I mean, Joseph Fiennes.

Of course the story's good. Bille AUGUST creates a film about one of the major historical shifts in the world, of course it's good. But the casting and acting, unfortunately, missed their mark.

Joseph, I believe, comes to us after years of London theatre, and on screen, you can kind of tell. His movements, stiff like the soldier he portrays, sometimes seem too harsh. And though Dennis HAYSBERT has plenty experience palying political men of controvery (ref : President Palmer on the series 24), he's not a Mandela. He's too...tall.

Now, their control of accents and the South African language impresed me immensely. But the "this is something important" music thumping down through every heady scene did not. Neither did Diane KRUGER's tears. Call me callous.

I can't explain it, I can only say it felt...light. Lighter than I expected for a subject that should reverberate with emotion. I wanted to believe every moment, but I actually found myself forgetting it was a true story because the actors all seemed to be acting. I shouldn't have needed the music to remind me how heavy it was. Fiennes should have done that just fine. So what gives ?

Overall rating : 2.5/5

plot : A series of unfortunate évènements.
thought : So it isn't just me ?

After a week-and-a-half hiatus of film watching, I choose to revive my cinephilia with...a French film ? What was I thinking ? Well, given it was a jour feriée (holiday), and everything else was sold out, me, I was thinking, "in or away ?" And I went in, expecting a shitty, boring French film.

For the first fifteen to thirty silent, mumbling, brain-numbingly eventless minutes, I was right. But everything following that, I must say, proved to me that I had pegged Emmanuelle CUAU, our director and screenwriter, wrong. Sure, it's "typical" French movie fare--funded by the CNC (Centre Nationale de Cinématographie) and lacking in any real purposeful trajectory (and did I mention the mumbling ?). But in all, this story which weaves around one guy's unusual, mostly accidental run-in with the police, is attractive, because you can't help but realise, "This could happen to me," or--give or take a hospital stay and insert, perhaps, a visit to the French Préfecture--"This HAS happened to me." Ever heard of the French "fonctionnaire" ? Basically the over-glorified secretary who gets in the way and gets nothing done ? Well, apparently, the French are pissed at him, too. All the giggles I heard in the cinéma couldn't be lying.

Kudos to Sandrine KIBERLAIN (Béatrice) and Gilbert MELKI (Alex) for somehow being a believable on-screen French couple. Random, but true. And kudos as well to the preview for BUENOS AIRES 1977 that showed before this movie. Naked football palyers. Looks super. Though kind of sad that TRES BIEN, MERCI really had no music. Except if you count that annoying Mozart concerto with all the chirping birds that plays in the taxi.

Best shot : Alex (MELKI) in his prison cell at the slammer. Minimalist set decoration in jail.

Overall rating : 3.5/5 (though apparently French spectators don't agree)

mardi 8 mai 2007

PLOT : My spidey sense is...lackluster.
THOUGHT : Peter Parker, please stop crying.

Most expensive movie of all time. Biggest opening, both domestic and internationally, of all time. All the signs read yes. And I love Spiderman. I really, really love Spiderman. Childhood with two brothers, we watched all the typical shows : X-Men, Transformers, GI Joe, The Hulk, Power Rangers (though we were a little old for it), Freakazoid and Spiderman. Hence, I really, really love Spiderman. And I really, really wanted to love this movie.

I'm not going to say I didn't. It's just...I came into the theatre, that wonderful, tension-inducing score pumping in my ears, and I expected the motherload of all sequels to land on the theatre screen. And it did land...but a bit crooked. And soft. And emotional. And...dancing. There was too much dancing in this movie.

It's not like we could blame the director, like everyone did with X-MEN II. Behind the camera, Sam Raimi did his job ; the movie was beautiful. But in the script ? Did they actually write in all those dance scenes for Tobey Maguire ? (I'd like to believe that, hoping critics would say, "Now we remember the heartthrob this kid was before Peter Parker--Joaquin Phoenix, eat your heart out !" Tobey Maguire himself forced the scenes into the movie, and the Raimis hid their faces in their hands, weeping, as they signed the agreement to let him gyrate on screen as "V'Guard your virginity'enom.") They shouldn't have. And the Sandman, though a visual masterpiece, was a weak supervillain. He didn't even want to be a villain ! Oh, the humanity ! Oh...right...that's the point of the whole movie.

You may have thought you were going to the theatre to see Spiderman put on a black suit, kick everyone's butt, spit some witty lines, and then, quickly, without sucking us too far into his inner demons, fight that oft-mentioned "battle within" and change back into his classic red number to finish the show. But no. The Battle Within waged for most of the movie. And the final spat that finally put it to rest ? A spat of words, dear friends ! During which we discover, more or less, that "we all choose our destiny, and it is our responsibility to choose the path of light." What is that ? Public service message for all the kids who were planning on leaving the theatre, believeing they were really made of sand and trying to rob a bank ? Sorry. Those kids left when Peter Parker started dancing.

Some final thoughts to round this up, because I just hate to continue dissing what should have been the best superhero movie of all time.
(1) James Franco's a hottie. If James Franco hadn't been in this movie, I would have cried in every scene, just like Tobey did (waaah, Franco keeps on stealing my spotlight, waaah).
(2) Plot holes. From where did the venom come and to where did it go post-Spiderman "battle within" reconciliation ? No answers !
(3) I'm not one to say movie stars should lose weight but...Tobey MAGUIRE should lose wight. He was looking pretty chubby in this one. Didn't he used to be cute ?
(4) Tobey should also consider permanently switching vocal chords with Scarlett Johanssen.
(5) For James Franco, for Topher's fall from grace, for the Sandman visuals and J.Jonah Jameson...for, basically, the second 20 minutes of the movie and the last 20 minutes before the last 10's worth it. But then again, the whole thing could've been garbage, and we still would have flocked to see it. If you build it...

Overall rating : 2.5/5 (sorry, Spidey)

lundi 7 mai 2007

plot : Whoops, my gay boyfriend's straight.
thought : You'd like that, wouldn't you ?

Europa Corp hasn't made a ridiculously successful movie in quite some time, and unfortunately, this one's not bringing much money into Luc Besson's professional piggy bank, but in terms of success based on the plot-line of the modern romantic comedy (and I'm NOT comparing it to the ridiculously successful but brain-numbingly awful release of 2006, FAILURE TO LAUNCH), LOVE takes the cake, the cake box and the leftover frosting you forgot to lick off the spoon.

There's gay romance ; there's straight romance ; there's homo-curious/questioning/unclear and bi-racial/bi-cultural romance all set to chicky-pop music. There's fashion, sex, art, references to rom-com cliché and innuendo galore, and there's love. By golly, there's love. And did I mention there's a Britney Murphy sans Ashton Kutcher ? The only thing missing is the bow. I'm talking about the big, pink, satin bow that we can use to tie up Britney Murphy (minds out of the fantasy box, gentlemen) and present her back to Hollywood. Same old girl, but she's polished ! Reminds me of Renee Zellweger in DOWN TO LOVE. Oh, did that movie tank, too ? Strange, I liked it...

So despite a leading love interest who can't really act (sorry Santiago CABRERA) and an ending juuuust over-sweet enough to make us wish we didn't eat ALL the icing, LOVE is worth loving right from the start. Though it will kind of remind you of DOWN TO LOVE (lots of color, not much substance).

Overall rating : 2 thumbs up if I did thumbs, but only 3/5 stars, because, by definition of their utter, juvenile, vapid ridiculousness and formulaic unbelievability, no typical rom-com should ever get more than 60%. (That's right, Santiago. You failed the test.)

jeudi 3 mai 2007

Le Top 5 - semaine de 30 avril

1. Spiderman 3
2. Les Vacances de Mr.Bean (Mr.Bean's Holiday)
3. Next
4. J'veux pas que tu t'en ailles
5. Le Prix à payer

1. Distrubia
2. The Invisible
3. Next
4. Fracture
5. Blades of Glory

1. Spiderman 3 (phonetically known on this side of the ocean as "Speedermahn Twa") opened in France (and Asia) before the US ?!
2. I still haven't seen it...
3. Why are 4 of the top 5 US films action/drama/intrigue/mystery/not Will Ferrell-related ?
4. I said the French didn't like Mr.Bean's new movie. Apparently, I was wrong.
5. James Brown (deceased last year) was born today in 1933. Unrelated, but worth mentioning.

plot : "At it France."
thought : "Restrain intelligence ; enjoy the ride."

I have to preference the following "five" lines by admitting that I have never, ever seen a "Mr.Bean" movie. I know Mr.Bean as Rowen ATKINSON, like, you know, the funny jewelry clerk in LOVE ACTUALLY. Like a poser, I've called him Mr.Bean for years, but I never knew who Mr.Bean was until about two hours ago. He's a really annoying guy. His face is kind of gross in its contortional ability, and he moves oddly and can barely communicate with words. Is that how he's always been ? Is this "the" Mr.Bean ? Well, I must confess, I would hate him if he were a real person...and if it weren't for the fact that I'm certain he's of a small minority of half-goat-half-Englishman, and you can't hate the handicapped--that makes you evil.

But let me just say, once I realised with some sort of disdain and disappointment, "Oh. That's just how he is," the movie got much better. If you like physical humor (i actually don't), or any humor (ok, good), or if you like France (check), if you like Wilem DAFOE making fun of himself (check), if you like roadtrips and beaches (yeah, buddy), if you like light tales of unbelieveable romance (Jack Black and Kate Winslet just checked that box) and/or if you like that jewelry clerk from LOVE ACTUALLY and would like to see him goosed on novocaine--this is your movie. I'm almost (almost !) ashamed to say...I loved it. Though I've heard, for some reason, the French don't. Hmm.

Priceless scene : When Mr.Bean lip synchs to the opera number "O Mio Babbino Caro" with his German sidekick.

Overall rating : a stunning (and ridiculous) 4 out of 5

plot : "Hide your guns ; wifey's home."
thought : "Rich mobsters have weird problems."

Of course it's hot--it's Italy, baby. And though I haven't seen any other films by Francesca COMANCINI, the réalisatrice behind this rich mobster-heavy number, I have a feeling I'd like them. A CASA NOSTRA (which in the context of the film, I believe means "in our country"--oh, how uneducated I'll look if I'm wrong) unfolds like a banana. You think you've got the droopy fruit all before you, and then you realise the tough skin isn't the whole story--there's a soft, sweet story inside : a lot of unhappy people, some with and most without money, are trying to hold onto the lives they've come to loathe and yet desperately lead.

Honestly, I thought mobster's problems all involved some guy named "Acey" and a pair of brass knuckles. Maybe a cigar or two. And let's face it--when Laura CHIATTI's heating up the screen, you can't help but start looking around for your smoking jacket and referring to your clutched handbag as "the money sack." But once Valeria GOLINO, the tough cop (and top banana) of our film looks into the camera with her almost permanently teary eyes whilst Verdi arias sear your ears with almost feel happy that your life's so damn normal.

Overall rating : 3.5 out of 5

lundi 30 avril 2007


plot : Don't poke your shrink's wife.
thought : If it weren't French...maybe.

It's just so French. A man obsessed with healthcare finds the woman of his dreams, and she's married, but he romances her anyway. The twist ? She's married to his shrink.

This harmlessly boring romantic comedy, directed by Bernard JEANJEAN (nice name, John John) has so much going for it. The idea is pretty original. But the full realisation of this idea...never really occured on film. Why wasn't Julien Boisselier's character (the "mental" patient, Raphael) a real crazy person ? Why was Carla (played by the perfectly, almost creepily pleasant-looking Judith Godreche) so pissed when her hubby tried to give her gifts ? Why did Paul (Richard Berry) get so much flak for gaining weight ? Are their marbles in Judith Godreche's head ? Is that why she always looks so blank and yet slightly confused ?

What I think should have happened is this : Raphael is really crazy. He goes off the deap-end when he loses Carla to her husband. And then the husband, in a sick need to reaffirm his power as a doctor, tries to get his wife to stay with Raphael so he doesn't lose yet another patient. Matchdotcom meets INDECENT PROPOSAL. Go picture.

Overall rating : 2.5 out of 5

mardi 24 avril 2007


original title - DAS LEBEN DER ANDEREN

plot : "Big Brüder is always listening !"
thought : "Of course I liked it."

It's a German movie. It's a movie made by Germans about Germans acting badly. And our heartstrings are, appropriately, pulled.

As one of the most hyped movies of the new year, Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's DAS LEBEN DER ANDEREN did not disappoint. I expected to like it, because everyone (sighing, with hadn to heart and eyes rolled heaven-ward in poignant pain) told me I would--and I took forever to see it for this very reason--but alas, I fell in line. I loved it.

Ulrich Muhe as Gerd Wiesler was captivating (and so...German) ; the plot was suspenseful and provocative, and the historic potency...uh...potent. And the score ! Oh, the heartstrings yet again pulled. Amazing for building tension, the soundtrack to this film moved the story and moved the viewer twofold.

The only thing stopping DAS LEBEN DER ANDEREN from a solid 5/5 is its rushed (and unfortunately cheesy) ending. Did I just ruin it for you ? I hope I didn't ruin it. Oh, wait, you already saw it.

Scene that sings : Weisler listens while Georg Dreyman, his subject, plays THE GOOD MAN on the piano. Automatically, you sense a change. Automatically, you change.

Rating : 4/5


plot : "I'll pay you for sex."
thought : "Doesn't that make them prostitutes ?"

The critics are still saying, "No," to this one. And I understand why. Between all the gratuitous references to the manliness of one of our stars (the rakishly handsome Gerard "I (probably) snacked on steroids as a child" Levin), and the drastic illusions to the ugly side of long-term matrimony--as well as some badly concealed attempts to beg comparison to the Catherine DENEUVE classic BELLE DU JOUR--Alexandra LECIERE's follow up to LES SOEURS FACHEES kind of falls short. But still, I vote yes.

It's a damn good quasi-realistic ride into the pit of financial/midlife crisis with a wonderfully appropriate score composed by Philip EIDEL padding the bumpy ride. I'll even take Levin's muscles. Fun, fun.

Rating : 3 out of 5

plot : "Sun going down in smoke."
thought : "A beautiful, depressing, amazing voyage."

I had high hopes for Danny Boyle's newest flick--he being the same director who brought us TRAINSPOTTING and 28 DAYS LATER (the latter of which, out of fear, I never saw). I can't say they were thoroughly dahsed...but it also took very long to shake the sudden, saddening, "Oh, no, what have I walked into ?" feeling that rose up and hit me about 40 minutes in. It's a visual ride, a sci-fi thrill of sunshine and stardust that will leave your eyes burning for more...until a plot twist turns sci-fi into scary and the characters you haven't even had the time to learn to love yet struggle to keep their mission alive.

Well, at least they're good-looking.

Though he's delivered better than we get to see in this pciture, Cilian Murphy (BATMAN BEGINS et LE VENT SE LEVE (the wind that shakes the barely) among others) is always a pleasure for the eyes and, in this case, the plot. Despite his presence, SUNSHINE may still leave you blue. I sure was. So if you don't have the patience for a Sunday afternoon downer, just go see a romantic comedy, sneak into SUNSHINE right before the credits, and enjoy the whole film in 4 minutes--thanks to Boyle's apt decision to stream the more visually stunning images from the film in sequential order alongside the credits--underscored by a lovely, fantastically depressing song by UNDERWORLD. That basically sums up the whole experience.

Rating : (I have to split this one up) 4/5 directing, 2/5 overall


"Weird never looked so normal (welcoming ? inviting ? weird ?)."
rented, 9/avril 2007
3.5 out of 5 stars


"...and/or I'm a stalker."
"First boring then suddenly...not."

Must admit, had little to no desire to check this one out ; ran to the theatre and thought, "What's playing now ?" Jérôme Bonnell's new film starring Emmanuelle Devos (from 2004's ROIS ET REINE) won the hypothetical coin toss.

The plot is not solid, and the characters not wholly developed. Their faces aren't even that fun to look at (I recall specifically (unfortunately)
Sylvain DIEUAIDE who plays a young vagabond trailing his ex-girlfriend), but the images of these average French lvies in transit somehow touch the heart. With the usual silence and lingering camera-on-facial-close-up maneuvers for which contemporary French directors are known, this film does not immediately impress. We're just bored. But slowly, like a candle rising to flame, it all makes sense. It's so average, it's so normal, it's so...real.

A dire vrai, the ending wom me over. The film was going for a rating of 2/5, but the ending won me over. Very French. fery charming. Unfortunately, I can't remember the music, but I think I liked it. Best scene : when vagabond meets housewife (Devos). When vagabond meets ex-girlfriend. When vagabond meets...anyone. Best character : the woman with the 3 dogs. Oh, and the big, random black dog. Wait for it.
Overall : 3.5 out of 5

Time to buy a new journal (also known as "Put the bitch to work")

"Accurate, if life were perfect."
This film, based on a book by Anna GAVALDA and directed by Claude Berri (who has brought us other pictures such as MANON DES SOURCES--a classic--and UNE FEMME DE MENAGE--what?), is flawlessly predictable. I know it stars Audrey Tautou, but for some reason, I was still expecting more depth. Fat chance. Much like her other recent films (HORS DE PRIX, for example, co-starring the charmingly goofy but poorly utilized Gad Elmeleh), this one hands the plot to the viewer ina picnic basket complete with a big, family-colored bow tied by a dying, old granny who wants her charming, devil-may-care grandson (director of the French Cesar hit NE LE DIS A PERSONNE, Guillaume CANET, oh la la) to hook up with the sweetly confused cleaning lady-turned-live-in-nurse (Audrey). Everyone cries at one point, but all end up smiling...and shrugging, leaving the theatre, more or less forgetting the film, but eventually still wondering, "Does Guillaume Canet really like Hard-Fi AND Vivaldi ?? Wonder if he'd like the Arctic Monkies..." 'cause then we'd just love him even more. Best shot in the film : he and Audrey smoking together in the kitchen. And the music is great. And French ! Those don't usually go together...
Overall : 2.5 out of 5

dimanche 22 avril 2007

Avant que ça...

Forgot to describe how/why this Here's the entry from my (old school, non-electronic) travel journal that made me decide to do this

MY NEW TOY - 05 avril 07

I did an impulsive, (hopefully) wonderful thing yesterday. I bought myself my March "me" present. January's was my screenplay notebook; Febraury's was my trip to the salon and now March ? The UGC Cinema Illimite Carte. A prelevement of 18euro per month and I get to see as many movies as I want ! WHY doesn't this exist in the States ? They could charge like $50/month for it in California, and I bet people would still purchase it.

At any rate, I haven't actually gone to the movies since I got it (whoops), but I definitely am making plans. So many movies...

And it led me to thinking. I should document this. Like, I always write on my calendar what movies I see, but what about opinions ? Ratings ? I will be seeing, over the next months that I'll be staying in France, many movies.

And so, a new idea. This journal is almost full. Started primarily as a travel journal, I have since (mostly due to lack of funds) stopped traveling. I'm not VISITING Paris. And though I make jokes about being on vacation here, I actually do LIVE here. In Paris. Most likely not forever, but most definitely, yes, for now.

Journals--"life" journals--have always been difficult for me. But a movie journal ? A film diary ? I think I could do this. I take my journal with me to the cinema, and immediately after the film, give it a rating of 1-5, a one line thought and then...a brief disection ? Five lines or less ? Characters, plot, directing, acting, music. 5-5-5.

For instance :

"This film makes you think."
Possibly because ALPHA DOG is based on a very current true tale, the characters in Nick Cassavetes' newest number (following THE NOTEBOOK, oddly enough) are realistic, and the story swerves along at an excellent pace until you're almost holding your breath by the end. Beware of a certain Karate Kid's overacting (Ben Foster, remember, the angel from X-MEN III ???), and be impressed by (hot) Justin Timberlake's (hot) performance. No really. He's really (hot) talented. Surprisingly so, dare I say it. Cassavete's style is cool, at times miming documentary or almost a home video feel, completely connecting with the realism, and at others using stop-frame action to not only connect you to but immerse you in the authentic police drama/unfolding court case. The music is appropriate to the teenage/young adult angst, though it sometimes--unfortunately--gets annoyingly oppressive. But one word for the song that plays over the end credits : awesome.
Overall rating - 3.5 of 5

Okay, that was way more than five lines. But whatever. I think I like this idea, despite my wordiness.

A new journal, thus, is born. First, though, I have to buy it. April gift ???

And so I "bought" a blog.

On commence

The next few days = adding what I've already started.